Lauren Caldwell, “Three Challenges Facing the Food and Agriculture System and Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurs,” Acumen Academy, September 3, 2019.
Lauren Caldwell, “The Power of Predictive Analytics in Public Health and Where Social Enterprises Go Wrong,” Acumen Academy, September 3, 2019.
Lauren Caldwell, “Measuring Patient and Business Outcomes at a Maternity Hospital in Kenya,” Acumen Academy, September 3, 2019.
Lauren Caldwell, “Teams from Brazil, India, and South Africa Win the Acumen-Unilever Social Innovation Challenge on Plastics," Acumen Academy, August 1, 2019.
Ganesh Rasagam, "Celebrating Entrepreneurship and Agents of Change in Developing Countries," The World Bank — Private Sector Development, November 3, 2015. Drafted for World Bank Group practice manager.
Francis Ghesquiere, "To Save Lives and Livelihoods, Start By Understanding Disaster Risk," The World Bank — Voices: Perspectives on Development, June 30, 2014. Drafted for World Bank Group director.
Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program: Promoting Growth Entrepreneurs in Agro-Processing: I led the annual update and redesign of a donor-facing brochure for the World Bank Group's Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program. (2016)
Growing Innovation, Fostering Entrepreneurship: infoDev Annual Report 2014–2015: I wrote an annual report for the World Bank Group's Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program and managed the design process. (2015)
Resilient Recovery: An Imperative for Sustainable Development: I assisted the writing and managed the production of a policy report that was released at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan. (2015)
GFDRR on Disaster Risk Identification: I led the annual update and redesign of a series of impact reports on disaster risk management projects carried out by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. (2014)
Leaning into the Wind: Building Sustainable Wind Power in China: I co-wrote and researched a case study on the Jiuquan Wind Power Base and renewable energy in China, published in a collection of case studies on sustainable development. (2014)